Tuesday 28 June 2011

I hate hospitals...

I have spent the last week in Flinders hospital with my son. It was hell! He had RSV, a respitory virus, he wasn't breathing very well and needed oxygen treatment. He is only 11 months, so he didn't handle it very well. He ripped the rubes off of his hands on several occassions, so we had to strap his hands up. He was forced to stay within a 2 metre radius of his cot because of the oxygen tubes. He has only just started drinking the last day, and is still not eating. It is a horrible feeling, seeing your baby like that, and unable to do anything. I am just hoping we never have to do that again.


  1. Everybody hates hospitals. Being in waiting room for hours will give you the sense that people who work in healthcare are a bunch of rubes.

  2. Aww, that's terrible. :( We had a similar experience with my youngest, he was stuck in an incubator for a few days. It was awful.

    I'm glad to hear that your son is better now!

  3. I can relate to how to feel. It really is unbearable to watch babies suffer such experiences. I remember my baby sister being pricked by needle so many times when she was hospitalized for dengue fever. You really wanted to wish its you who's being sick rather than her.

  4. That must have been really scarey, it's so horrible when they're ill :(

  5. Oh my gosh my heart goes out to you. I can not even begin to imagine how awful it is seeing your little guy like that. I got teary eyed looking at him only imagining what he is going through. I hope he is on the mend.

  6. I really hope he is all right by now. Hospitals are heartbreaking, especially when you have to take your children to them.

  7. Hospitals are soo sad and stressing, especially for such a lovely baby boy!

  8. We all do, Reb, especially when our little ones are in there!
